Chiller - Thiết bị làm lạnh
Chiller Daikin trục vít giải nhiệt nướcNgày đăng:21/07/2016 - 3.256 lượt xem
  • http://gmpclean.vn/pic/Product/Chiller-Daikin-truc-vit-giai-nhiet-nuoc-Daikin-Scew-water-cooled-chiller-1-1-HVAC-1-29.jpg
  • http://gmpclean.vn/pic/Product/Chiller-Daikin-truc-vit-giai-nhiet-nuoc-Daikin Scew water cooled chiller 1 (2).jpg
Mã hàng: HVAC 1.29
Hãng sản xuất: Daikin
Xuất xứ: Malaysia
Tình trạng: Hàng có sẵn
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Chiller Daikin trục vít  giải nhiệt nước, Daikin screw water cooled chiller

Where noise is a concern, the Daikin water-cooled screw chillers provide the ideal solution for sound sensitive environments. Designed with a single main rotor compressor which is inherently quieter than twin screw compressor designs, these chillers provide some of the lowest sound levels in the industry. Their quiet performance can eliminate the need for expensive sound attenuation equipment. And their low first cost means facility owners save money right from the start.
- Wide operating map for applications ranging from comfort cooling to ice making
- Two refrigerant circuits improve part load efficiency
- Single main rotor compressor means inherently quieter operation than dual rotor compressors
- Compact size fits through a 3-foot door for lower installed costs
- Solid state starters are standard to provide controlled acceleration and deceleration with less compressor stress and vibration
- Controls flexibility—MicroTech® II controls with our Open Choices® feature for easy integration with the building automation system of your choice
- R-134a refrigerant has no ozone depletion potential and no phase-out schedule
Chiller Daikin trục vít  giải nhiệt nước, Daikin screw water cooled chiller


Which Daikin small to mid-size water cooled chiller is best for your project?

  WGZ Scroll WGS Screw
Size Range 30 to 200 tons 120 to 190 tons
Part Load up to 21.1 EER (IPLV) as low as 0.536 kW/ton IPLV
Full Load up to 16.1 EER as low as 0.715 kW/ton
Sound pressure (dBA) without attenuation* 72 to 87 73 to 77
Refrigerant R-410A R-134a
Circuits dual tandem or trio
Remote condensers available air cooled or evaporative water cooled
Integration options BACnet, LonWorks or Modbus communications

*Per ASHRAE Std. 575
GMPclean - Chuyên gia cơ điện
  Phòng sạch & Nhà máy GMP

  Hà Nội: Tâng 6, Tòa nhà MD Complex, 68 Nguyễn Cơ Thạch, Cầu Diễn, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội
  Kho thiết bị : Cụm Công nghiệp Từ Liêm - Hà Nội
  Hotline: 0989.123.508
  Email: gmpcleanvn@gmail.com
  Website: www.gmpclean.vn
  Sở hữu bởi One Key Services JSC

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